The setting of Fox's House

Now, strap on your party boots and bring a housewarming present! The 2015 Caper takes you to a party at Hey Fox!

Moderators: Hogan, GabrialFox

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The setting of Fox's House

Post by Hogan »

This will mostly be filled out by the 2015 Caper's Co-host of Gabrial Fox! :cheers:
Avatar is Hogan cameoing in Misfits of Mischief by ROAR
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Re: The setting of Fox's House

Post by GabrialFox »

Heh... Co-Host. I dig...

:: sigh :: Anyway... Backgrounds are so not my specialty, but I think I've got you covered here. What will follow (assuming I can get images working right there) will be a couple of basic floor plans, some sketches to give you an idea of the layout and general look, some of which are colored...

Fox and Pixi's rooms are represented. Cid's is simply appointed and Kitty's is, as of yet, still empty.

Now, all that being said, please ask if you want anything clarified or explained.

View from Pixi's balcony.
View from Pixi's balcony.
House_View_from_Pixi_balcony.jpg (63.39 KiB) Viewed 138518 times
Upstairs hallway color
Upstairs hallway color
House_Upstairs_Hall.jpg (44.2 KiB) Viewed 138518 times
Upstairs Hallway (notes)
Upstairs Hallway (notes)
House_Upstairs_Hall_sketch.jpg (58.45 KiB) Viewed 138518 times
Pixi's Room
Pixi's Room
House_Room_Pixi.jpg (51.26 KiB) Viewed 138518 times
Fox's Room
Fox's Room
House_Room_Fox.jpg (57.51 KiB) Viewed 138518 times
House_Kitchen.jpg (59.81 KiB) Viewed 138518 times
Lovingroom (looking in) color
Lovingroom (looking in) color
House_Livingroom_in.jpg (53.27 KiB) Viewed 138518 times
Lovingroom (looking out) sketch
Lovingroom (looking out) sketch
House_Livingroom_out_sketch.jpg (74.61 KiB) Viewed 138518 times
View through front door
View through front door
House_Entrance_sketch.jpg (55.62 KiB) Viewed 138518 times
Entryway (colored)
Entryway (colored)
House_Entrance.jpg (58.24 KiB) Viewed 138518 times
House_Exterior.jpg (101.55 KiB) Viewed 138518 times
General sketchery with notes
General sketchery with notes
Screen Shot 2015-07-25 at 8.20.26 PM.png (161.17 KiB) Viewed 138518 times
First Floor layout
First Floor layout
Screen Shot 2015-07-25 at 10.59.49 PM.png (31.16 KiB) Viewed 138518 times
Second floor layout
Second floor layout
Screen Shot 2015-07-25 at 11.00.01 PM.png (42.7 KiB) Viewed 138518 times
The grey fox from over at Hey Fox.
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Re: The setting of Fox's House

Post by Wheels »

Unlike you Fox I gave up on backgrounds long ago. I use models from scketchup and Photographs. You are going to force me to build this house you know? Is this the house with the Flyer entrance? I don't think it is which is too bad I was thinking of a Gag using it. All my guys fly except Wisp and Cleat. Cleat does have a jet pack and Wisp is a speedster so she can run up the side of a building.
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Re: The setting of Fox's House

Post by GabrialFox »

Nah, the flyer entrance is in a different place (a top-floor apartment). Although there is the upstairs balcony that leads into Pixi's room for roof access. >.>
The grey fox from over at Hey Fox.
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