The Warmongers

Crossover Wars Forum

Crossover Wars TvTrope

Evil Overlords Tangent

CameoComic Secant
The Crossover Wars
Largest Webcomic Crossover Project ... so far!

Welcome to the Central Hub for the 2007 webcomic event known as the Crossover Wars.
Here has been gathered the comics strips marked by the conflict as it spread across the continuums.
If you wish to read the strips as they went up, have your pick at "The Daily Reports".
However, if you want to try and follow a certain storyline through all the webcomics it touched,
feel free to browse among the various storylines below. Enjoy!

- The Warmongers

Fantasy Wars Super Wars Adult Wars
Scale's Tale Evil Overlords Chronicles
Squirrel Wars Crossover Wars Banner courtesy of
Mike Alonso a.k.a. Tanukitsune
Sci-Fi Wars
Forum Wars Jenny Everywhere WCA Hunt

Latest report from the Wars

Everything is still quiet on the war-front
... except for one particular flashback!

The Daily Reports

January 2007 February 2007 March 2007 April 2007 May 2007

June 2007 July 2007 August 2007 September 2007 Oct-Dec 2007

2008 2009 2010

The Crossover Wars Central Hub is a sub-page of The Webcomic Crossover & Cameo Archive